
WIOA: One-Stop Career Centers
WIOA retains the nationwide system of one-stop centers, which directly provide an array of employment services and connect customers to work-related training and education. WIOA furthers a high quality one-stop center system by continuing to align investments in workforce, education, and economic development to regional in-demand jobs, The new law places greater emphasis on one-stops achieving results for job-seekers, workers, and businesses.
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Advancing Apprenticeship as a Workforce Strategy
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides an extraordinary opportunity for the public workforce system to transform and improve the quality of life for job seekers and workers through an integrated, job-driven system that links diverse talent to our nation's businesses. Registered apprenticeship is a proven workforce strategy that can help state and local workforce systems transform how they meet the needs of businesses and workers and fully achieve the vision for the workforce system under WIOA.
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Young Adults with Serious Mental Health Conditions
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) envisions WIOA as a governmental commitment to providing high quality, continuous, and seamlessly delivered services for youth and young adults beginning with career exploration and guidance, continued support for educational attainment, opportunities for skills training in in-demand industries and occupations, and culminating with a good job along a career pathway or enrollment in post-secondary education.
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