Model Demonstration Projects (MDPs)
The PROMISE Model Demonstration Projects were created to facilitate a positive impact on long-term employment and educational outcomes by reducing reliance on SSI, providing better outcomes for adults, and improved service delivery by states for youth and families receiving SSI. The six PROMISE model demonstration projects are:
ASPIRE (Achieving Success by
Promoting Readiness for Education and Employment) is a six state
consortium that includes Arizona, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and
Utah. Led by the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation, the goals of ASPIRE are
to 1) Increase SSI youth and families' overall household income, and thereby
reduce dependence on public benefits, by increasing educational attainment and
increased career achievement; and 2) Inform federal policymakers about the
efficacy of best supports for youth with disabilities. The six states will
recruit and enroll 2000 youth ages 14 to 16 who receive Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) living in urban, rural, frontier and tribal areas. At enrollment,
all youth and their families will receive information about available resources
and services. Half of the youth and families who enroll will also be
provided additional services including case management, self-determination
training for the youth, parent education and training, financial education and
capability training and benefits planning. ASPIRE will also partner with
agencies and organizations to support further education and employment
opportunities for the youth and family. A comparison will be made between
the group receiving additional ASPIRE services and those who receive the
typical services within their communities.
Arkansas PROMISE Arkansas PROMISE is a research project open to youth ages 14 to 16 who currently receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Participants must enroll before their 17th birthday and once enrolled, will receive services through September 2018. PROMISE will only enroll 2000 youth. For 1000 youth, PROMISE will provide additional services to support their education and career goals. Services include: Intensive case management, two paid competitive work experiences, education and employment training and support for youth and families, benefits counseling, health and wellness training, and money to address emergency financial needs. Arkansas PROMISE is being implemented by the Department of Education and the University of Arkansas, in partnership with several other state agencies and private organizations.
California PROMISE CA PROMISE represents the opportunity for multiple organizations, working in partnership, to provide a coordinated set of services and supports to youth, ages 14-16, receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and their families. The goal of the project is to increase economic self-sufficiency. CaPROMISE has four objectives:
Maryland PROMISE is designed to provide enhanced services and supports to Maryland youth between the ages 14 -16 who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Services provided by Maryland PROMISE also will be extend to family members. Maryland PROMISE can help youth develop a plan to finish high school, find a work experience or paid job of their choice, connect to further education or training, and access other community resources needed to reach their goals. Any interested family members can also get help in finding a new job and training. Ultimately, Maryland PROMISE will support youth and families become better off financially.
New York State PROMISE is one of six PROMISE awards granted nationwide by the US. Department of Education in October 2013. The PROMISE intervention model was jointly developed by the US Department of Education (USDOE), the Social Security Administration (SSA), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS), and the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL). This state research demonstration project is being coordinated by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH). The contract is administered by the Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene. The research and capacity building activities of the project are being conducted by Cornell University's Employment and Disability Institute.
Wisconsin PROMISE The Wisconsin PROMISE initiative is intended to improve services for youth SSI (Social Security Supplemental Security Income) recipients and their families. The services help youth recipients achieve better outcomes, including graduating from high school ready for college and a career, completing postsecondary education and job training, and obtaining competitive employment in an integrated setting. As a result, these youth SSI recipients can achieve long-term reductions in reliance on SSI.
PROMISE is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Labor.
Wisconsin Promise will help youth and their families meet their school and work goals in order to better their income and financial stability, reducing poverty. Find out more about Wisconsin Promise services.
The agencies will help participants identify obstacles to employment and design a program to help them successfully find jobs. Are you looking for a specific Wisconsin Promise contact? Visit the Wisconsin Promise DVR Contacts List or Download the Wisconsin Promise DVR Contacts List.