
Virginia Parents' Tips on Transition Planning
The following transition tips were compiled from a survey developed by the Center on Transition Innovations and given to a diverse group of Virginia families whose children have experienced the transition from high school to adult options. These valuable suggestions can assist others in making informed decisions, advocating for improved services, and building upon school and community partnerships.
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The Career Planning Experience of College Students with ASD
This article describes results of structured interviews with college students on the autism spectrum concerning their career planning experience. Results describe four emerging themes based on students' knowledge of, and participation in, career related services and supports. These are choosing a major, using career centers, self-disclosure, and career related services.
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Implementing the Discovery Process
The process of Discovery is a person-centered approach to gathering information about a student prior to discussing potential jobs, employers, or job task. Discovery assists in revealing the student's interest, skills, and supports in environments and activities where the student is at his or her best. Discovery seeks to understand various facets of a student's life in order to discover who the person is rather than what he or she wants to do.
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