
The Youth Transition Demonstration: Lifting Employment Barriers for Youth with Disabilities
The transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities can be especially difficult. Besides the host of issues facing all youth at this age, young people with disabilities face unique challenges related to health, social isolation, service needs, the potential loss of benefits, and lack of access to supports. This issue brief include topics on work-based experiences, youth employment, family involvement, system linkage, SSA waivers and benefits counseling.
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Replicating Evidence-Based Home Visiting Models: A Framework for Assessing Fidelity
Maintaining fidelity to a program's design is critical both for achieving effective outcomes and for taking initiatives to scale. Despite the benefits of implementing programs as designed, many social service model have been taken to scale without sufficient attention to fidelity. This is the third in a series of briefs from the cross-site evaluation.
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Measuring Wraparound Fidelity
Eric Bruns, Co-Director, National Wraparound Initiative, and Associate Professor, University of Washington School of medicine created this document to support wraparound implementations. This report analysis the following question around fidelity:
- How do we know we have a "fidelity problem" in wraparound?
- When applied to wraparound, what does "fidelity" mean?
- What are methods to measure fidelity to the wraparound model?
- Does fidelity even matter
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