
Mental Illness and Mental Health in Adolescence
As any parent, youth worker, or young adult can verify, mental health in adolescence may be characterized by a roller coaster of emotional and psychological highs and lows. This fact sheet provides a very brief introduction to mental health with a focus on definition, assessment, and mental health disorders, then offers perspectives on the role youth development approaches may play in promoting positive positive mental health and protecting against mental health disorders.
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Adolescent Health Highlight: Access to Mental Health Care
Approximately one in five adolescents has a diagnosable mental health disorder, making these disorders one of the leading causing of disability among the age group. The Adolescent Health Highlight describes barriers to treating adolescent mental health disorders; discusses the connection between insurance status and access to mental health treatment; and explains funding for adolescent mental health services.
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Successful Transition Models for Youth with Mental Health Needs: A Guide for Workforce Professionals
This InfoBrief from ODEP (Office of Disability Employment Policy), describes service barriers faced by youth with mental health needs as they reach adulthood, while highlighting new models and strategies designed to break down those barriers and help them to transition successfully into the workplace. Through thoughtful systems change at the local and state levels, and the adoption of promising new program models promoting collaborative networks for care more youth and young adults with mental health needs can become self-sufficient adults who experience personal and employment success
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