
School Days to Pay Days
Working provides important, ongoing benefits: it's a way to build skills, make friends, give purpose to life, provide a sense of identity and, of course, earn a paycheck. It's always challenging for young adults to find and keep jobs, and current economic conditions create additional hurdles. As you try to connect youth with work experiences, this booklet will assist you in understanding the roles of state and provider agencies, employment services, accommodations, benefits, and much more.
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Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion
While businesses sometimes encounter serious challenges as they seek to implement inclusion strategies, many employers have overcome these hurdles with robust and creative practices. As a collaborative initiative to share creative inclusion practices that succeed, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN) invited congressional and business leaders to participate in the second Corporate Disability Employment Summit: Leading Practices on Disability Inclusion development.
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Business Strategies that Work
The Business Strategies that Work identifies promising employment policies and practices for recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing qualified individuals with disabilities. The strategies found in this document are used by employers who make a strong business case of employing people with disabilities. By identifying, adopting, and refining these effective and meaningful employment practices that welcome people with disabilities, you too can benefit from having a vibrant, diverse workforce.
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