
Mobility Options for the Community
This tool will help you think about the various transportation options that might be available in a community and includes a chart on which you can record information about transportation services, and their characteristics.
- Before you begin thinking about the various transportation options and their characteristics in a community, review the completed Mobility Options for the Community Chart provided as an example.
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Rural Transportation Topic Guide Series
The National Rural Transit Assistance Program (National RTAP), Easter Seals Project ACTION (ESPA) and the National Center on Senior Transportation (NCST), as providers of technical assistance and education for transportation and human services organizations that serve people with disabilities and seniors in rural areas, have collaborated to Rural Transportation Topic Guide Series. The series includes individual topic guides on community assessments, financing transportation options, and volunteer driver programs.
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Integrating Transportation Content into Teaching and Learning
Information from the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance evidence-based practices database indicates that community based instruction contributes to student learning in several areas, including grocery shopping, safety and community integration. The purpose of this pilot program is to provide students with and without disabilities opportunities to engage in self-directed service-learning projects in the community that enhances their understanding of and decision to use accessible transportation.
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