
Best Practices: Positive Youth Development
Positive youth development is a policy perspective that emphasized providing services and opportunities to support all young people in developing a sense of a competence, usefulness, belonging and empowerment. This resource provides essential features of effective learning environments and settings that facilitate positive youth development for young people inside and outside of school.
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Strengthening Communities Through Youth Participation
The central strategy of ACT (Assets Coming Together) is the formation of cross-sector community coalitions for youth that strengthen the capacity of communities to become places where young people thrive. The purpose of ACT is to change the structure (i.e. policies, roles, resources) and culture (i.e attitudes, norms, values) of communities to provide youth with the opportunities and supports that they need for positive development.
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Core Principles for Engaging Young People in Community Change
The Forum for Youth Investment is dedicated to helping communities and the nation make sure all young people are ready for college, work, and life.The principles described in this paper can help build the capacity of organizations and communities to ensure that all youth, particularly those least likely to succeed without help, believe that they have the resources needed to make their communities better places for themselves, their families and peers.
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