January 2019 | Volume 49
Wisconsin and CaPROMISE Present at CSAVR 2018
Wisconsin PROMISE and CaPROMISE were highlighted in recent presentations at the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) 2018 Fall Conference in Long Beach, CA. Wisconsin's presentation provided background on PROMISE participants, including disability and poverty-related factors, Wisconsin's history of interagency collaboration, Wisconsin PROMISE services and supports, preliminary findings, lessons learned, and implications for policy and practice. CaPROMISE's presentation included an overview of CaPROMISE and how the California Department of Rehabilitation is applying the lessons learned to Pre-Employment Services. To read more about their presentations, click 'Continue reading' below.
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Impact of Participation in School-to-Work Programs on Postsecondary Outcomes for Youth With Disabilities From Low-Income Families
This past fall, Hassan Enayati of NYS PROMISE and Arun Karpur, formerly of NYS PROMISE, were published in the Journal of Disability Policy Studies. Their article examines the role of school-to-work training programs on adult outcomes for individuals with disabilities who live in welfare receiving household" and finds that participation in school-to-work programs for youth with disabilities from welfare receiving homes was found to predict higher rates of employment, lower rates of conviction, and lower wages (Enayati & Karpur, 2018). Enayati and Karpur reference PROMISE as an excellent model for adolescence-to-adulthood transition programs that implements a randomized clinical trial design, and can be successfully studied to assess the effectiveness of such programs.
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Jade Gingerich (MD PROMISE) and Kelly Nye-Lengerman (TA Center & UMN) Present at AUCD 2018 Conference
The AUCD's Annual Conference, "We All Belong Here," was a great success this past November 2018. Jade Gingerich, Maryland (MD) PROMISE director, and Kelly Nye-Lengerman, evaluation director of the PROMISE TA Center, partnered with the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) staff to present Federal Partnerships for Employment: UCEDD Collaborations with ODEP and PROMISE to an audience of professionals, advocates, and policy makers. Jade and Kelly shared information with attendees on changing the narrative around poverty and employment through the lens of MD PROMISE activities. The take-away message was that everyone can work with the right supports.
Click 'Learn more...' below to view Jade's and Kelly's presentation, and click here to see ODEP's portion of the presentation.
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Underrepresentation of Adolescents with Respiratory, Mental Health, and Developmental Disabilities Using American Community Survey (ACS) Questions
This past July, ASPIRE PROMISE staff were published in the Disability and Health Journal. Their study explored whether the American Community Survey (ACS) underrepresents certain disability groups. They found that this was indeed the case, which has ramifications for the success of public health planning and other interventions aiming to improve outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
The AUCD (Association of University Centers on Disabilities) PROMISE TA Center produced this newsletter under a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs associated with PR Award #H418P14. The contents of this newsletter do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
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