WIOA: What Human Services Agencies & Advocates Need to Know
This resource is a PowerPoint presentation on how WIOA provides federal funding for training to help unemployed and underemployed workers qualify for better jobs. It also supports a network of American Job Centers, known as "one-stop centers," where job seekers can find information on job openings, training, and career opportunities.
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Summary of Major Policies Included in Titles I an IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
WIOA represents an important bipartisan effort to improve federal workforce development program and provide new opportunities to advance economic self-sufficiency for millions of Americans with and without disabilities. WIOA will help workers attain sills for 21st Century jobs, provide supports to people with disabilities to enter and remain in competitive, integrated job settings, and foster the modern workforce that evolving American businesses rely on to compete.
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New Opportunities to Improve Economic and Career Success for Low-Income Youth & Adults
In July 2014, President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) - after it passed with virtually unanimous bipartisan support in Congress - the first update to the nation's core workforce training programs in the 16 years since the passage of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). A lot has changed since 1998 - and our workforce has not kept up. Low-skilled and low-income workers face more barriers than ever to securing an education and getting a good job.
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