
Dropping Back In: Re-engaging Out-of-School Youth
This resource focuses on bringing young people who already have left school back to earn their high school credential. And the reality is, without a high school diploma, these young people will most likely end up in low-wage jobs with few career prospects, or relying on assistance from public agencies to support themselves and their families. Helping youth successfully transition to adulthood requires a solid dropout prevention strategy while they're still enrolled in school as well as other proven strategies to reconnect high school dropouts with continued education and the workforce.
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Preparing students with disabilities for postsecondary education
The Epstein model of Six Types of Involvement provides a framework to review research that ties family and community involvement in schools to positive student outcomes. Developed by Joyce Epstein, PhD, of Johns Hopkins University, this research-based model emphasizes the importance of recognizing three overlapping spheres of influence on student development. Family, school and community can collaborate in six key ways to foster a caring community that children need to maximize their potential in school and in later life.
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Bringing Students Back to the Center
This guide tells the stories of many youth and the important role that re-engagement centers play in providing opportunities and options to ensure disconnected youth can and do succeed. While much is known about who drops out and why, there is still much to learn about successful re-engagement programs and strategies. Through re-engagement centers, education and community leaders are joining forces to help youth get back on track to a positive future. This guide describe effective re-engagement practices in communities that have stepped forward to meet the needs of these youth.
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