
Family Engagement in Juvenile Justice
The best juvenile justice systems value the parent-child and the family relationships of the juveniles in their care. System professionals are often well positioned to strengthen these critical relationships, which ultimately improve rehabilitative outcomes for youth. Genuine family involvement and engagement is vital to achieving positive long-term outcomes for the vulnerable youth in the justice system.
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Emerging Practices, Transition: Youth Leadership and Family Engagement
The High Performing State Transition Model recognizes that system change activities must include youth with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) and their families. Successful systems change activities work to build power and community with stakeholders. Supports are built into activities so that youth with IDD and families are able to fully participate with other stakeholders in the system change process.
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Prioritizing Family Involvement in Transition
Youth and family involvement in the transition plan are important components of a successful plan. Family support is a powerful, preventive mechanism that supports youth resiliency and has a significant impact on the successful reentry of youth in the corrections system back to their homes and communities. The following principles were identified in a review of Transition Toolkit 2.0: Meeting the Educational Needs of Youth Exposed to the Juvenile Justice System.
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