
Healthy Transitions: A Pathway to Employment for Youth with Chronic Health Conditions and other Disabilities
All youth need to be connected to programs, services, activities, and support that prepare them for meaningful post-secondary school options; enhance their ability to manage their physical, mental, and emotional well-being; and develop life-readiness skills to make informed choices. This policy brief includes an extensive literature review that was conducted across a number of systems and professional fields including: health care professionals, state education systems, case managers, workforce investment act program, federal, and state legislation.
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Health Care Transition for Youth with Disabilities and Chronic Health Conditions
The increasing number of youth with disabilities and chronic health conditions surviving into adulthood has necessitated a shift in the approach to educational, health, employment, and independent living services. To achieve these goals as adults, youth with disabilities and chronic health conditions may require support and services to help transition in all aspects of their adult lives, including employment, independent living, and health care. Health affects all aspects of life--school, community, and job success are all associated with health.
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The Affordable Care Act and the I/DD Community: An Overview of the Law and Advocacy Priorities Going Forward
People with intellectual and development disabilities (I/DD) have long faced significant and persistent barriers in health care access and outcomes. This issue brief analyses the implications of the ACA for people with I/DD, with particular emphasis on both the impact of ACA's implementation to date and systems change opportunities with respect to parts of the law scheduled to come into effect over the course of the next several years. This resource will outline the effects of ACA-mandated policy reforms to Medicaid, private insurance and other aspects of our nation's healthcare system.
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