
Internet Safety, Social Networking, and Technology
Individuals with autism are just as interested, if not more interested, in using the internet as a connection to mass amounts of information and millions of people. To ensure the safety and success of internet usage, it is critical that individuals with autism learn how to protect themselves online, and that they understand what is and is not appropriate on the internet. Some organizations have specific classes to teach individuals with autism safe and fun ways to use the internet. Parents should closely monitor their young adult's internet use and constantly make sure that their internet activity is safe and appropriate.
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Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Behavioral Health in California
Teenagers throughout the country regularly use the internet, cell phones, and video games to gather information and communicate with each other. The ability to interact with each other is the unique feature of social media which provides powerful new ways for teems to create and navigate their social environments. Overall, social media use is associated with many benefits for adolescent health and development. An examination of youth's experiences with social media, which included teens from California's urban, suburban and rural communities, documents powerful new ways in which youth use social media.
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Social Networking Sites: Consider the Benefits, Concerns for Your Teenage
Social networking sites have become an integral part of today's culture, especially for teens. While teen use of social networking sites poses certain safety concerns, it can help teens with disabilities development skills they need to move towards independence and adult life. One obvious benefit is that youth can expand their circle of friends and even communicate more often with extended family. Understanding that you have a personal network of friends and family may someday help a young person use that network to find a job. Drawing on one's own personal network is one of the most effective strategies for finding employment.
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