
Becoming an Adult: Challenges for Those with Mental Health Conditions
The transition to adulthood is a continuous process of rapid developmental change that starts accelerating at age 16 and, for most, is completed by age 30. During this period, most individuals take steps to live more independently and depend less on family support. These steps, which involve completing school and training, launching work lives, and developing relationships with others, can vary greatly. However, for youth and young adults with serious mental conditions the changes during this stage of life are challenging and complex.
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What to Know about Youth Transition Services for Students and Youth with Disabilities
The Federal Partners in Transition workgroup views transition as the period of time when adolescents are moving into adulthood and are often concerned with planning for postsecondary education, careers, health care, financial benefits, housing, and more, There is a particular need to provide continuity of service for youth from ages 14 or 16 to ages 25 or 30 across both child and adult service systems. This fact sheet was created to address the compatible outcome goals and policy priorities identified in The 2020 Youth Transition Plan: A Federal Interagency Strategy.
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Transition Aged Youth with Mental Health Challenges in the Juvenile Justice System
The Technical Assistance Partnership of Child and Family Mental Health (TA Partnership) recognizes that many challenges system of care communities face in working to better meet the needs of all children, youth, and young adults they serve. In an effort to help these communities meet the unique needs of young people involved or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system, the TA Partnership released a resource series focused on this population. The TA Partnership has contracted with the National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice (NCMHJJ) and other experts in the field to produce this resource series.
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