ASPIRE April Newsletter
Catch up with Carol Ruddell, ASPIRE's Project Director, through her letter 'The Director's Corner' in ASPIRE's April Newsletter. She provides a brief ASPIRE update and shares her thoughts on summer work. You can also read a mix of project highlights and success stories for each of the six states that comprise ASPIRE, including a story about a youth who got to meet rock band Aerosmith's Steve Tyler!
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The New York State (NYS) PROMISE podcasts cover a variety of topics, including the impact of PROMISE in NYS, the benefits of learning life skills and work experience for youth, and most recently a spotlight on Niagra Falls' case manager and parent coordinator, Mia Crumpton, who has referred 100% of her families to benefits counselors and either Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. or Western New York Independent Living, Inc.
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Upcoming Project Directors' Meeting
Even though OSEP'S 2018 Project Directors' meeting is two months away, it's not too early to start getting excited - PROMISE will be hosting one of the breakout sessions. Directors from Maryland, CA, and ASPIRE PROMISE will be coming together to lead 'From Me to You: Engaging transition aged youth and their families.'
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