PROMISE Track @ AUCD Conference 2019

Conference will have a PROMISE track with three presentations throughout the
day on Monday November 18th Along with conference attendees, the
PROMISE federal partners are invited to attend these sessions:
Session 1 Changing
Expectations, Changing Systems: Lessons Learned from PROMISE Youth and Families
on SSI @ 10:15am
PROMISE was a national research and
demonstration effort focused on improving the self-sufficiency of transition
youth with disabilities and their families.
The lessons learned from PROMISE and implications for culture and systems
change will be explored. Discussions will
focus on organizational culture, parent and professional expectations, and the
limitations imposed by system-centered vs. person/family-centered
paradigms. Presenters will provide both
a state-specific perspective and a national perspective. Presenters: Kelly Nye-Lengerman, PROMISE TA Center, Mari Guillermo, and
Fred McFarlane, CalPROMISE
2: Building PROMISE with
American Indian Tribes: Increasing Educational and Employment Outcomes for
Tribal Youth and Families @ 2pm
American Indian communities are
underrepresented in research, federal and state initiatives. Tribes in six
states participated in the PROMISE Model Demonstration Project, a joint project
of SSA, DOE, DOL, and HHS. ASPIRE, one MDP, partnered with tribal
IRBs/Councils to culturally and creatively support tribal youth and families
receiving SSI, to pursue education and employment. This session leverages
lessons learned as tools for developing future initiatives in partnership with
Tribes. Presenter: Carol Ruddell, Utah
State Office of Rehabilitation, PROMISE ASPIRE
3: Engaging
transition-aged youth with disabilities receiving SSI and their families to
improve employment outcomes @ 3:30pm
· This presentation will report on
findings from the ASPIRE, Maryland PROMISE, and Wisconsin PROMISE projects,
three of six PROMISE demonstration projects focused on improving the economic
outcomes of adolescents with disabilities receiving SSI and their families. It
will explore different dimensions of youth and family engagement including (1)
strategies for effective case management, (2) strategies for effective training
delivery, and (3) use of incentives for increasing engagement in
future-oriented activities. Presenter: Catherine
Ipsen, PROMISE ASPIRE, Ellie Hartman Wisconsin PROMISE, Jade Gingrich,
Director, MD PROMISE